Creating Jobs

We must get aggressive as a country about creating high-paying, long-term jobs. It has become clear that we have sent far too many important and skilled jobs overseas. Many of our essential medical supplies, equipment, and drugs are manufactured overseas, and the backups in shipping during the pandemic resulted in lost lives at our hospitals. We must make sure that we can rely on domestic manufacturers and suppliers for these essential goods.

One of those essential goods is steel. Iron mining has been the pillar of the economy on the Range for generations, and the Range provides some of the best raw material for steel in the world. I favor iron mining expansion. I am also in favor of precious metals mining if it can be done safely without polluting our water. 

A great source of many high-paying jobs will be pressing forward with renewable energy and a green infrastructure. This has the added benefit of addressing the urgent crisis of climate change.

We also need to address the fairness of our tax system. As the wealthy and corporations pay what they owe, we will be able to make sure that Americans receive the services they should expect. That means government jobs with good pay and good benefits and Americans able to rely on good services.

I have a proven track record of bringing state money home to my district in the Minnesota Legislature. I look forward to bringing jobs to the Eighth District in Congress.